Saturday, May 16, 2009

Google Trends

I was going thro InfoSys blog on Money @ Cloud the link points the Google Trends as a proving point to highlight a fact.  I was surprised to see the impact Google Trend created.  Just by achieving search trend and presenting nice UI, Google is able to come out with a new product which helps the business people to make decisions.  It was simple idea executed excellently.

Just for fun I tried, 

  1. Microsoft, Google
  2. Oracle, SQL Server
  3. Sachin, Dhoni, Zaheer
  4. Jayalalitha, Karunanidhi

It was really interesting.

About Google Trends  Good comparison between Google Trends & MS AdCenter Lab

Typing in Tamil / தமிழில் எழுத

பல நேரங்களில் தமிழில் எப்படி மின் அஞ்சல், வலைபதிவு செய்வது என கருத்து பறிமாற்றங்கள் எற்படுகின்றன.  சிமீபத்தில் நடந்த ஒரு கருத்த பறிமாற்றத்தில் கிடைத்தவை

1. Google 

2. NHM Writter

3. For those who are using XP / Outlook 2007 and not able to see Tamil fonts… can try the option below.

Tools -> Options -> Mail Format -> Editor Options -> Language Settings -> Add required languages.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Buy O2 to live

Soon you need to buy O2 to live.  Can you believe?

May be 10 years back no one believed that people will spend money to buy water.  Now days buying drinking water is common.  The same is going to happen….

Japan is already started selling canned O2!!

Canned Oxygen

Check the article.

Monday, May 4, 2009


jQuery is a light weight Java Script which allows to create macro kind of java script.  It is simple and powerful scripting feature.  Using jQuery we can achieve lot in few lines of code.

Teams PowerShell

 The PowerShell helps to get quick meta data around Teams. Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams Connect-MicrosoftTeams Get-TeamAllChannel...