Monday, May 17, 2010

WPF Resources

Microsoft Site:


FAQ :,

Code Sample:

Power Toys:


Healthcare Prototype:

Code Project:


Fantastic demo on MVVM

Expression Blend Tutorial

XAML Best Practices: Silverlight XAML WPF-XAML

Learn more about WPF's Architecture and Design Motivations.

Installing .Net 3.0 and Tools - Tim Sneath's very useful list of tools and bits that you'll need to get started with WPF.

SDK Topic: Introduction to WPF - A primer on WPF's "building blocks".

SDK Topic: WPF Architecture - An informative and in-depth guided tour of how Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) was designed and some motivations of the architects behind those decisions. It covers most of the major subsystems of WPF and describes how they interact.

SDK Tutorial: Get Started Using WPF - This tutorial provides an introduction to the development of a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application that integrates the core elements of most WPF applications: controls, layout, data binding, and styles.

MSDN Article: Introducing Windows Presentation Foundation Get a primer from David Chappell about how the WPF unified presentation stack helps make designers active participants in creating user interfaces, and provides a common programming model for standalone and browser applications.

MSDN Article: A Guided Tour of Windows Presentation Foundation A classic overview of Windows Presentation Foundation (formerly code-named "Avalon") by Tim Sneath that provides context coupled with code samples for Microsoft's strategic presentation stack. Surveys the architecture and major components available within this release for developers.

Getting Started with WPF - from a Windows Forms developer perspective A series of articles on WPF from a Windows Forms developer perspective.  This started out as a simple document entitled “So you know Windows Forms and you wanna learn Avalon” way before there was as much content out there as there is now.  This perspective should be useful for folks who've developed using WinForms.

An Overview of Microsoft Visual Studio Code Name "Orcas" White Paper This white paper provides an overview of Visual Studio code name "Orcas", including new client development features for WPF as well as WinForms.

WPF Performance White Paper This white paper is intended as a reference for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application developers who are looking for ways to improve the performance of their applications. If you are a developer who is new to the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.0 and WPF, you should first familiarize yourself with both platforms. This topic assumes working knowledge of both, and is written for programmers who already know enough to get their applications up and running. Information in this topic is based on version 1.0 of WPF. for WPF is a free WPF tutorial resource that renowed Frog Designer Lee Brimelow created to help interactive designers learn this exciting new technology. Most of the available tutorials online are too technical for most designers to follow and the majority are produced for .NET developers who are trying to learn WPF. WPF offers so many incredible visual design possibilities for creative types, so Lee created this site to help people get started. There will be a lot of programming in these tutorials so graphic designers with no prior coding experience may have difficulties. These tutorials are primarily geared for interactive designers who are used to using tools like Flash.

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